Posted By
Jes Waller on Wednesday, July 8, 2015 3:54:00 PM |
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from's blog -My4Walls
Call, email, text, or (gasp!) in-person, how do you best communicate with your REALTOR®? Agents evolve with the times and rely on the mode that works best for their clients. The speed at which we move away from personal contact, however, may surprise you...

In 2015, nearly two-thirds of all Americans own a smartphone. And since research finds that 90 percent of all text messages are read within three minutes, there is no better channel for urgent, responsive communication.
Of course, an extended relationship with your agent through the life of a transaction dictates all modes of communication. The important thing to remember is to set expectations and boundaries.
How late at night do you what to be contacted?
How early in the morning is too early?
Which type of news would you like to hear on the phone?
When is a text or email appropriate?
And of critical importance, never share financial or personal identification information with anyone electronically unless you verify the receiver first.
Establish the preferred methods of communication between you and your REALTOR®...
Posted By
Scott Lynch on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 1:56:00 PM |
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Posted By
Scott Lynch on Tuesday, February 24, 2015 11:02:00 AM |
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from's blog: My 4 Walls

Cold Weather No Match for Eager Buyers and Sellers
While March to September have long been thought “the” housing season in central Indiana, the truth is you just never know. That proved to be the case in January when sales shot up 12.8 percent over January a year ago and pending sales rose even further by 17.0 percent. A pending sale is one in which the sales contract has been signed by all parties, but the transaction hasn’t completely closed. Once a home is pending, it typically closes in 30 to 60 days. Only about three to four percent of those deals fall through in our market.
Even when you recall that 2014 laid claim to the worst winter any of us can remember, these are impressive gains. It shows that buyers are out there, ready to act. REALTORS® say clients that typically wait until spring are eager to get started now because the mortgage interest rates are so favorable. In fact, REALTORS® say it’s the number one reason business has picked up. It’s hard to beat a sub four percent loan rate. A mild January this year did not hurt.
Another interesting finding, new listings jumped 23.9 percent in January and this is after they increased by 13.1 percent in December. Getting more homes available for sale should make for a great spring selling season. The number of available homes has been lacking for more than a year. With more to choose from, your home search will be more productive…and fun.
Why wait until spring? Call us today!
Posted By
Scott Lynch on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 8:36:00 AM |
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From's blog, My 4 Walls:
It seems as though all the numbers are moving in the right direction. Builder Confidence is up once again, the 13th consecutive quarter of year over year improvements. We just reported at the Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis (BAGI) that January Permit numbers are up six percent over last year at this point, and according to the National Association of Home Builders, all segments of the market—single-family homes, condominiums and multifamily rental—registered increases compared to the same quarter a year ago. Additionally, the single-family index increased six points to a level of 54, which is the highest fourth-quarter reading since the inception of the index in 2008.
We can confidently say the economy is recovering and housing is recovering right along with it. In fact, an overall improving economy in central Indiana is a direct result of the stronger housing market. Residential construction is an often overlooked component of a region's overall economic growth and health. Historical trends prove that the strength of an area's overall economy is predicated on the strength and diversity of its housing market.
So, now that we see all the signs of a strong economy here in Indiana and a growing housing market, what does that mean? In our opinion, it means it’s a perfect time meet that pent-up demand of the recession and start thinking about new construction. It’s not only a ripe economic state but it’s also a perfect time of year. Spring is on the horizon and builders are ready for the peak construction seasons ahead.
If you’re ready to being the new construction research, please contact our knowledgable and experienced agents!
Posted By
Jes Waller on Friday, January 30, 2015 10:25:00 AM |
Questions from's blogger Chad Pluid

For buyers to make the best decisions about the home they could be potentially purchasing, you will need your Realtor's honest opinions during a property tour - that's why we're here. Below are 5 questions to get the conversation started:
1. What do you like about the home?
Real estate agents see many homes every day. Ask your agent about the unique qualities that stand out to them, but make sure the home is functional to suit your needs.
2. Do you have any concerns?
Please ask this question - especially before you fall head over heels with a property. Buyers need to know potential flaws of a property. High utility bills? Lack of storage? Etc...
3. Is the price right?
We get this question all the time, of course! Your agent should compare the sale price of similar homes that have recently sold in the area with the property you are interested in.
4. How long has it been on the market?
Don't expect a 'deal' from the sellers if it is a new listing. If the home has been on the market for a while, they may be more willing to negotiate. Many...